Dr. Joachim Keller
Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK)
Corrensstr. 3
06466 Gatersleben (GERMANY)
Phone: + 49-39482-5267
+49-39482-5140 (laboratory)
E-Mail: keller@ipk-gatersleben.de
Dr. Jiří Zámečník
Crop Research Institute (CRI)
Drnovska 507
161 06 Prague (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Phone: + 42-02-33022-426
E-Mail: zamecnik@vurv.cz
Dr. Helena Stavělíková
Crop Research Institute (CRI)
Workplace Olomouc
Šlechtitelů 11
78371 Olomouc-Holice (CZECH REPUBLIC)
Phone: + 42-05-85-209965
E-Mail: stavelikova@genobanka.cz
Dr. Teresa Kotlinska
Marta Olas-Sochacka
Research Institute of Horticulture, Division of Vegetable Crops (InHort)
Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3
96-100 Skierniewice (POLAND)
Phone: + 48-46-833-2947
E-Mail: tkotlin@inwarz.skierniewice.pl
Prof. Dr. Vito Miccolis
Dipartimento di Scienze dei Sistemi Colturali, Forestali e dell´Ambiente,
Universitŕ degli Studi della Basilicata (UNIBAS)
Viale dell´Ateneo Lucano, 10
85100 Potenza (ITALY)
Phone: + 39-0971-205312/39
E-Mail: miccolis@unibas.it
Dr. Chris Kik
Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (CGN)
PO Box 16
6700 AA Wageningen (THE NETHERLANDS)
Phone: + 31-317-477011/45
E-Mail: chris.kik@wur.nl
Florence Esnault
National Institut for Agricultural Research (INRA)
Domaine de Keraďber
29260 Ploudaniel (FRANCE)
Phone: + 33-299-626317
E-Mail: Florence.Esnault@rennes.inra.fr
Dr. Svein Solberg
Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen)
Smedjevägen 3
230 53 Alnarp (SWEDEN)
Phone: + 46-40-536640
E-Mail: svein.solberg@nordgen.org